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Meeting Points: Ronit Agassi, Gary Goldstein

The exhibition "Meeting Points" links together in one space the works on paper of Ronit Agassi (born Kibbutz Merhavia, 1949) and Gary Goldstein (born Nashville, Tennessee, 1950). This joint exhibition is a specific event that is neither a summary of cooperation nor necessarily its beginning, but an event convening the closeness of a single space for two distinct utterances. These two idiosyncratic monologues, anchored in wholly different life stories, neither complement nor contrast each other, but rather flow and curve of and from themselves. The exhibition seeks to characterize them as intersecting processes that testify to a presence, and from within it to the hidden-present duration and resonance of events whose historical time is known and defined.

Exhibition made possible thanks to the help of Ilana and Yoram Wakshlak; catalogue produced through the support of Israel National Lottery Council for the Arts

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