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Assaf Abutbul, Heavy Load, 2014

”Ha-Talush" (The Rootless Character)

Assaf Abutbul, Heavy Load, 2014

This group exhibition focuses on the rootless [talush] character, which first appeared in new Hebrew literature a century ago and still frequents it today. Although portrayed in a plastic language, the talush wandered within the poetic discourse of writers. His adoption into a world that does not speak a natural language is an act of defection, relishing the relationship between literature and visual arts.

Participating artists: Assaf Abutbul, Raya Bruckenthal, Sharon Fadida and Assaf Magal, Raffi Lavie, Peter Jacob Maltz, Michal Na’aman, Amir Nave, Uri Radovan, Rotem Rozenboim, Avi Sabah, Shahar Sarig, Gal Weinstein, Shai Yehezkelli, Dana Yoeli.

With heartfelt thanks to Ms. Ingrid Flick, without whose support this exhibition and catalogue would not have been possible

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