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Art Any Way: Exploring the wheel

An interactive exhibition offering activities—such as drawing, a zoetrope and cycling—about the wheel's shape and function, through artistic and everyday contexts. The exhibition spins between artistic, extra-artistic, direct and associative directions, and presents works by contemporary Israeli artists inspired by Marcel Duchamp's Bicycle Wheel (1913), dealing with bicycles in a unique, surprising way.

Artists: Guy Ben-Ner, Tsibi Geva, Moti Mizrahi, Guy Goldstein, Dror Auslander, Dan Birenboim, Nimrod Reuveni, Brigitte Cartier, Oz Malul, Noga Yudkovik- Etzioni, Tal Shoshan, Dganit Ben Admon, Elior Price, Raffael Lomas, Yasmine Bergner, Nadav Weissman, Ayelet Carmi, Amnon David Ar, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Max Pechstein, Oscar Dominguez, Omer and Tal Golan, Maya Barkai, Hadar Burstein, Interaction Lab - Holon Institute of Technology.

Sponsored by The British Friends of the Art Museums of Israel

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